Myths and facts about air purifiers
Many people are apprehensive about getting an air purifier for their home because they don't understand these devices and see them as a risk. We have looked at the most common myths that circulate among people.
An air purifier creates a sterile environment in the home that weakens immunity.
The air purifier does not have the ability to create a sterile environment. The air in the apartment will still be natural, the purifier will only rid it of harmful components. The immune system will not be stressed at home, allowing it to rest and recharge. As a result, the body will be able to defend itself more effectively against viruses and bacteria in the outdoor environment.
This means that the air purifier will not weaken the immune system, but rather strengthen it.
It is even recommended to keep a window open with the air purifier running.
Why use an air purifier at home when one encounters polluted air outside anyway?
Even though one is exposed to polluted air for a large part of the day (on the street, at work, etc.), using a purifier at home makes sense. A person spends quite a lot of time at home (all night, part of the day and weekends). Even this time can significantly help to improve his health.
Purifiers not only rid the air of harmful viruses, bacteria and mould, but also increase the concentration of negative ions, which are beneficial to health, thanks to the ioniser. They reduce fatigue, improve concentration and improve physical and mental well-being.
It is better for allergy sufferers to get used to allergens.
Unfortunately, the body cannot get used to allergies. When an allergy sufferer is constantly confronted with allergens, the body becomes unnecessarily exhausted. Therefore, it is better for an allergy sufferer to encounter as few allergens as possible in everyday life.
Ioniser purifiers produce harmful ozone.
It's not true. Air purifiers with ionizers, which work by producing negative ions, produce only a negligible amount of ozone. Ozone production in air purifiers must comply with ČSN EN 60335-2-65 ED.2 (361045), which specifies a maximum permissible ozone level of 0.05 ppm.
Air purifiers thus produce a similar amount of ozone to that which would enter your body during a normal walk in the woods.
The production of ozone by air purifiers will not endanger those people who are sensitive to ozone (allergy sufferers and asthmatics). The World Health Organisation states that these people experience respiratory problems when the ozone concentration in the air exceeds the limit of 160 µg/m3. Domestic purifiers do not exceed the limit of 100 µg/m3.
It is better to let children grow up in a natural environment without air purifiers.
The problem is that the normal environment of urban apartments and houses is not natural. From the outside, pollutants from passing cars or factories penetrate into the apartment. In villages, the problem is solid fuel stoves that emit pollutants into the air.
Indoors, too, harmful substances can be released from formaldehyde paint on furniture, electrical appliances, fluorescent lamps, plastic objects, printers and photocopiers.
An air purifier, on the other hand, can create a natural environment similar to that found in a forest or near bodies of water (sea, lakes, waterfalls).